Who am I?#
My programming journey starts in 2007, I had just discovered the joy of Ragnarok Online private servers when curiosity struck and I decided to learn how these servers worked.
Soon after, I discovered eAthena and created my own server.
Although no one ever played my humble little server, it was an invaluable learning experience which led to a life-long hobby-turned-career.
Throughout my teenage years, I’d often spend time building websites (I tried coding my own Anime streaming site more than once!) or making games, Pokemon romhacks, or warcraft 3 maps. The games I made were fairly simple games, usually made in RPG Maker (Remember RPG Maker 3?), Byond or similar game engines.
Over time, I graduated to more fully-fledged game engines such as Unity, and game frameworks such as Monogame (C#) and Phaser (Javascript/Typescript), and I haven’t stopped making games since!
Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to work with incredibly talented developers and artists, and create games (Hobbiest and Professionally) that I’m truly proud of, some of which you can find on this portfolio!
Contact information: [email protected]
Behaviour Interactive
Game Development
Tools Programmer
- Contributed to the test automation framework for detecting and fixing gameplay and system issues.
- Implemented support for gameplay automated tests running on PS5 & XSX
- Led the efforts to rewrite the submission tools for game developers to include proper pre-submission validation and a simpler deployment workflow.
- Independently developed an Unreal Engine C++ cheat management tool to aid Dead by Daylight developers and QA in executing dev commands on separate platforms such as the Switch, reducing QA time
Dead By DaylightProfessional Unreal Horror BehaviourTools Programmer on Dead By DaylightUnity
Engine Development
Software Developer
- Refactored the Unity Licensing Server allowing for differing and more extensible license types for enterprise users, such as 1-30 day offline-capable floating licenses.
- Implemented c++ native credential manager access for the Unity Package Manager to enable connecting through a proxy on a closed network.
Unity Licensing ServerProfessional Engine UnitySoftware Developer in Enterprise LicensingScalepad
Software Developer
APRIL 2019 - DECEMBER 2020
- Led initiative to design workstation management tool to swap development team from Windows to Linux, enabling > 30-minute workstation setup time.
- Refactored monolithic library into 20 single-responsibility modules for microservices
- Redesigned CI/CD pipelines with Buildkite and Ansible, reducing pipeline time from 30-50 min to 5-10 min
- Infrastructure as code for the deployment of the backend networking architecture using Terraform/Terragrunt and Kubernetes.
Personal projects#
Game projects that I’ve worked on over the years in my spare time.
Libraries and Tools#
Whenever I work on a new project, I try to minimize the amount of code I have to rewrite. Over the years, I’ve built a few libraries that I now reuse whenever I work on a new project!